letztes Spiel

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22. Spieltag
Date Sun, 28. Apr. 2024 Start 15.00 o'clock
FzG Münzesheim
FzG Münzesheim
FC Fatihspor Oberderdingen
FC Fatihspor Oberderdingen
-:- SpielberichtVorschau


# Team Sp. Pkt
1 VfB Bretten 2 11 33
2 FV Gondelsheim 10 26
3 FzG Münzesheim 11 23
4 TSV Dürrenbüchig 11 21
5 SV Gölshausen 10 17
6 TSV Oberöwisheim 11 16
7 SV Gochsheim 11 16

JSM Informations
JSM is the league manager with the possibility to offer betting games in Joomla! (C) 3.xx and 4.xx using add-ons.

New developments of this component are adapted, expanded and with many other functions together with the Joomla community for Joomla! (C) provided.
JSM is the ideal extension for administrators of a club page or for the management of betting game fan competitions on their own website. With its flexible design, JSM is not only limited to certain sports, but can be used universally.

The betting game Addon offers an excellent opportunity to reach new users and retain them. In addition, no new registration is necessary for this, your guests can use their own existing Joomla account.
Furthermore, JSM has a lot more to offer and it is possible to incorporate further developments in the system at any time, the development of JSM is always progressing. You can influence the development.

If you can contribute any ideas or developments, you should not hesitate to contact us !! For more information and a forum in which you can actively participate, contact the official JSM homepage!

JSM diddipoeler informations
Information about the version JSM is a component for the popular CMS Joomla! and is used to manage and display of sports results, leagues, clubs, teams, and more around the sport.
Performance issues have been resolved.

In this version included:
LMO Import
DBB Importer
SIS Import
Professional League Import
The prediction game
Administration of international associations
Administration of national associations
Table according to groups
Matrix according to groups
Playfield with formation
GoogleMap API 3.0
Kunena connection
RSS-Feed connection
Store pictures to games.
Own fields define (club, team and person)
Website: http://www.fussballineuropa.de
Forum: Fussballineuropa Forum
GitHub Github sportsmanagement diddipoeler
E-Mail diddipoeler@gmx.de
JSM details
Logo Design: DonClumsy (Tim Keller),
Developer: DonClumsy (Tim Keller), SvDoldie (Hauke Prochnow), Stony (Siegfried Galun)

JSM License
JSM (c)

Copyright (C) 2013-2018 JSM

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Please note that the GPL states that any headers in files and Copyright notices as well as credits in headers, source files and output (screens, prints, etc.) can not be removed. You can extend them with your own credits, though...

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

The "GNU General Public License" (GPL) is available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
The Team
Luka Weis
Joshua Locher
Philipp Kaaz
Tom Becker
Marco Smiatek
Devin Bürkle
Jan Krätzel
Santino Kaiser
The Team
Daniel Glasnovic
Umberto De Vincentiis
Santino Kaiser
Devin Bürkle
Marco Smiatek
Jan Krätzel
Philipp Kaaz
Joshua Locher
Luka Weis
Tom Becker
Markus Bihn
Michael Bauer
Daniel Glasnovic
From the coach

Daniel Glasnovic

Schon früh im Kindesalter begann sich Daniel für den Fußball zu begeistern und durchlief in der Jugend mehrere Stationen. Angefangen hat seine fußballerische Ausbildung beim SV Sandhausen, danach kamen noch weitere Stationen dazu (Hoffenheim unter anderem unter Hansi Flick, Walldorf). Nach der Jugend spielte Daniel ausschließlich im Kreis Heidelberg. Angefangen in der Verbandsliga bei Zuzenhausen

Daniel ist 31 Jahre alt und ist bei der SEW als Industriemeister tätig. So entstand auch der Kontakt zu der FzG Münzesheim. Nach dem bitteren Abstieg in die B-Klasse, will man versuchen in der B-Klasse eine gute Rolle zu spielen. Auch ist das Ziel weiterhin die Jungen zu integrieren und zu einem festen Bestandteil der Mannschaft zu machen

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Aktuell belegte Ämter bei der FzG Münzesheim

1. Vorsitzender
Christopher Thomas
2. Vorsitzender
Michael Mayer
Claudio Caliendo
Michael Mayer
Markus Kreutel
Hendrick Lisock
Rolf Weber
Christian Walter
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