Kreispokal 17/18 Kreispokal 17/18 Print    
Sunday, 30. July 2017 14:00 o'clock
SV Gochsheim   TSV Stettfeld
SV Gochsheim - TSV Stettfeld


Match Date: Sunday, 30. July 2017
Game time: 14:00 o'clock
Venue: No venue assigned yet.
Referee: Hüseyin Sandimoglu (Spielleitung)


SV Gochsheim Statistics TSV Stettfeld
% Chances %
1 Current rank 1
0 Games 0
0/0/0 W/D/L (Total) 0/0/0
0/0/0 W/D/L (Home) 0/0/0
0/0/0 W/D/L (Away) 0/0/0
0 Points 0
0 : 0 Goals 0 : 0
0 Difference 0
---- Highest home victory ----
---- Highest home defeat ----
---- Highest away win ----
---- Highest loss away ----

SV Gochsheim - TSV Stettfeld

Data from SV Gochsheim

League Games Won Draw Lost Score for Score against
League Home wins Home draw Home defeats Away wins Away draws Away defeats

Overview of the games by result and number

Wenn sie auf einen Reiter klicken, erhalten sie die dateillierten Übersichten.
Goals Frequency
Goals Frequency
Goals Frequency


bfv Rothaus Pokal BR 1. Runde 23/24
Took part:No games against each other No game date available. TSV Stettfeld TSV Stettfeld - SV Gochsheim SV Gochsheim -
bfv Rothaus Pokal BR 1. Runde 22/23
Took part:No games against each other No game date available. TSV Stettfeld TSV Stettfeld - SV Gochsheim SV Gochsheim -
Rothaus Pokal Bruchsal 1. Runde 20/21
Took part:No games against each other No game date available. TSV Stettfeld TSV Stettfeld - SV Gochsheim SV Gochsheim -
Kreispokal 17/18
1 Sunday, 30. July 2017 14:00 SV Gochsheim SV Gochsheim - TSV Stettfeld TSV Stettfeld - Match Report

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